Instagram | @gogetglitter

9+ Things That Are Trendy Now But We'll Regret Later

Beauty and fashion trends come every year and then either really take off or just fizzle away. I have to say that's actually a good thing because there are some trends that are just too bizarre or seriously flawed.

So let's take a look at some recent trends that are somewhat questionable.

1. Neon Everything

Huda Beauty

Recently, the neon trend has been all the rage, I really don't exactly get why. Forget that dated '80s look.

2. Matching Pyjama Onesies

Shops Well

How cute is when couples dress in matching outfits? Well, if they look like this, it ain't so cute. Forget these matching onesies forever.

3. Teddy Jackets


I totally get the appeal of the teddy jacket. I mean it's so fluffy and cuddly but I just don't get what's actually attactive about it.

4. Monochromatic

The Fashion Tag

Dressing head to toe in one bold color may seem like a great and really economic idea, only it actually washes you out. This trend has got to go.

5. Bike Shorts

Fashion Nova

Whoever thought those shiny tight bike shorts looked good in a casual outfit is seriously disturbed. They don't even look good on bikers. Please just go away!

6. Teeny Tiny Sunglasses


Maybe you can get away wearing these teeny tiny sunglasses if you're a celebrity, but if you're a normal human being they just look too ridiculous.

7. Designer Dad Sneakers


No matter what, dad sneakers are plain and boring. It doesn't help things any better when you slap a designer logo on it and charge $800.

8. Sock Sneakers


While we're on the subject on sneakers, how about those ones that resemble socks? Were you digging this trend? I think this looks just too juvenile.

9. Transparent Shoes


And when it comes to high heel shoes the transparent trend was all the rage. But since these are usually made of plastic they're just too uncomfortable.

10. See-Through Skirts


So the see-through trend has been around for quite a while but when you're showing your underwear through your skirt it's never a good look.

11. Plastic See-Through Handbags


While we're on the subject of transparent trends here's one that I just never got. I really don't want to show what's inside my purse.

12. Over-Contoured Makeup

Instagram | @lakatofla

We've all seen those makeup tutorials that show you exactly how to get that gorgeous high cheekbones look, but this over contoured makeup isn't it.

12. Glitter Butts

This trend took off at Coachella and I can see why but I just don't think anyone wants to get all that glitter out of their unmentionables.

I have to say that I'm so glad most of these trends are already gone or on their way out because I didn't get the appeal in the first place.

On to the next weird trends!