Unsplash | Annie Spratt

11+ Pics You'll Get If You're Bad At Doing Your Makeup

As we have discussed before, makeup application can be such a beautiful art form and some people really excel at it. And there are those, like me, that never seem to get a handle on it.

So in an attempt to bond with those who find makeup application super challenging let's have a laugh and look at some funny memes that describe our pain in pure detail.

1. Why is it that only one side of your face looks flawless and the other has made different plans that day?

Raise your hand if this happens to you.

2. This is what happens when someone tries to criticize the way you do your makeup and you just don't want to hear it.

Not today, for crying out loud!

3. Why is it that you feel so overconfident in your makeup skills only to find out that you're just totally delusional and it's too damn late.

Twitter | @qwerticorn_ig

Maybe next time.

4. When you want to follow that new eye shadow trend but then end up looking like you are just trying too hard.

Damn it, happens every single time.

5. Why is it that some people have absolutely no problem perfecting that flawless makeup look, only you end up struggling with no end in sight?

YouTube | @nikkietutorials

Who can relate?

6. When you can't do it right the first time, try and try again.

Twitter | @real_sgtbarnes

On the other hand why not just start from the beginning. Oh dear! Not again!

7. So your boyfriend catches you experimenting with makeup and you have to think quick to cover your tracks.

Somehow I think this might just work. What do you reckon?

8. When the makeup application instructions are just too hard to comprehend or you're just having a very long day.

Twitter | @AndreasChoice

Either way, we forgive you just this one time.

9. OMG, don't get me started on this.

Who else thinks fake eyelashes should come with some kind of a serious warning? 'Cause next time I'll poke my eye out.

10. It's not all bad news, beauty-challenged people.

Because even the worst makeup faux pas can teach you a very valuable lesson for the future.

11. When all else fails just fake your way out of it.

Is this working for you? Ha ha ha somehow I don't think you're getting away with it this time.

12. Finally, this can explain why you're constantly late for everything.

I mean it takes some of us a tad more time getting ready because well, we suck at this.

13. Why do the pros always make it look so darn easy?

Twitter | @AlrightHey

When the reality couldn't be further from the truth. I know I'm not the only one who's baffled.

Don't worry, my friends.

As they say, "practice makes perfect", so just take your time and eventually you'll get better at this makeup game. That or die trying! LOL.