😲 Absent Father Demands Grandma Rights - Her Response Is EPIC 👏

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a wild ride of a story for you today. 😳 Imagine planning a baby with your partner, only for them to completely abandon you when they find out it's a boy! 🙅‍♂️👶 Talk about gender disappointment taken to the extreme. 😤 But wait, it gets crazier! 🤪 Threats of kidnapping, vile insults from grandma, and a rollercoaster of emotions. 🎢😭 Let's dive into this messy tale and see if our fierce mama bear was justified in her actions. 🐻💪

🍼 A Planned Pregnancy Gone Wrong 😢

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

👨‍👦 Daddy's Little Girl... or Not? 🤔

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🚫 Gender Disappointment Leads to Abandonment 💔

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🙅‍♂️ 'I Regret Making This Baby' 😲

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🎭 The Indecisive Ex-Dad 🤷‍♂️

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

👶 Newborn Kidnapping Threats! 😱

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🏃‍♀️💼 Safety First: Moving & Lawyering Up 🔒

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

👵 Grandma's Good... Until She's Not 😠

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🗣️ Vile Insults Lead to Cut Contact ✂️

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🚫👵 Blocked on All Fronts 📵

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🙅‍♂️👨‍👦 'I'm Not Fit to Be a Father' 🤦‍♀️

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

👵🚫 No Dad, No Grandma! 🙅‍♀️

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🌳 Family Tree 101: Dad Required! 📚

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

😡 Insults & Blocked Again! 🚫

GirlFromTheVillage | GirlFromTheVillage

🔥 Internet Jury: Was This Mama Bear Too Harsh? 🐻⚖️

Well, well, well! 👀 Looks like our mama bear 🐻 has been through quite the ordeal with her wishy-washy ex 🙅‍♂️ and his unpredictable mother. 👵 From gender disappointment 😔 to kidnapping threats 😱, this story has more twists than a pretzel! 🥨 But the real question is, did our fierce protagonist go too far by telling her ex that grandma can't be in the picture if he's not stepping up as a dad? 🤔 It's time for the internet to weigh in! 🌐⚖️ Grab your popcorn 🍿 and let's see what the masses have to say about this family drama! 🎭

Grandma demands forgiveness without apologizing, commenter says NTA 🚫

nylonvest | nylonvest

Legal action necessary to discuss grandparents' rights 🤔⚖️

tuna_tofu | tuna_tofu

Be careful! Don't put anything in writing that can be used against you 🔒

Disastrous_Ad_8561 | Disastrous_Ad_8561

Sassy response shuts down absent father's entitlement. 👏

ChimoEngr | ChimoEngr

Block toxic ex and his mother, let your son decide 🙌

mcindy28 | mcindy28

Red flags raised about absent father's intentions for daughter. NTA.

KeyPicture4343 | KeyPicture4343

Cutting toxic people out of your life is always the answer 👍

fruitjerky | fruitjerky

Concerns raised about leaving baby with grandma after kidnapping threat.

namesaremptynoise | namesaremptynoise

Could the ex's mother be behind the threats and involvement? 🤔

wickeddradon | wickeddradon

NTA and a trooper, but change your number to avoid drama 🙌

ConsistentRough4128 | ConsistentRough4128

Keep evidence of their threats, don't communicate. 👍

spaceylaceygirl | spaceylaceygirl

Grandparents' independent relationship possible, but both parents unhinged. NTA.

Beneficial_Breath232 | Beneficial_Breath232

Serious concern raised about father's desire for a daughter 🤔

PeachesnPain | PeachesnPain

Stay away from toxic ex and his mother for your child 😔

Major_Replacement985 | Major_Replacement985

Epic clapback to a clueless father. 👏

nicorn1824 | nicorn1824

Concern over father's intentions sparks discussion in comments 🤔

wileykoyote1111 | wileykoyote1111

Red flags galore - protect yourself and your son! 💪

SpiderSmoothie | SpiderSmoothie

Get a lawyer, keep them supervised, and document everything. 👍

MistressFuzzylegs | MistressFuzzylegs

Ex's entitled mother-in-law demands access to child, gets shut down

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Terminate his rights and avoid the nightmare. 🙌

WinEquivalent4069 | WinEquivalent4069

Deadbeat ex and his mother aren't entitled to grandma rights 👏

Panaccolade | Panaccolade

Cutting off toxic family members is tough but necessary. NTA.

freewildhorse | freewildhorse

Contact a lawyer to formalize ex's renouncement of rights. NTA.

cryptokitty010 | cryptokitty010

Protect yourself and hire a lawyer for communication with ex.

Tinkerpro | Tinkerpro

Cutting toxic family out is necessary for your and your child's safety 🚨

Rude_Letterhead9707 | Rude_Letterhead9707

Protect yourself and your child from this vile grandmother.

Ok-Force8783 | Ok-Force8783

Ex's entitled behavior and insult shows poor family values 🤦‍♂️

NatureCarolynGate | NatureCarolynGate

Cutting toxic people, even grandparents, is necessary for children's wellbeing 👌

Commercial_Yellow344 | Commercial_Yellow344

Block and move on! NTA and great response 👍

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Red flags raised as absent father demands 'daughter rights' 🚩

Doggondiggity | Doggondiggity

Mother defends not apologizing for outburst, commenter agrees NTA

Quiet-Hamster6509 | Quiet-Hamster6509

Grandma doesn't owe apology to absent father, and here's why! 😎

aDistractedDisaster | aDistractedDisaster

Setting hard boundaries to protect child from toxic family members. 🚨

FlaxFox | FlaxFox

Block toxic father and demand child support 💸

nosaneoneleft | nosaneoneleft

Protecting oneself and their child from toxic family members. 🙏

Magiclover_123 | Magiclover_123

Red flags ignored on the road to motherhood 😳

OffByOneErrorz | OffByOneErrorz

Creating a life with a stranger. NTA wins.

DJ_HouseShoes | DJ_HouseShoes

Insulation in attic better than R-13 or R-15 walls 👍

processedmeat | processedmeat

Grandma stands up to entitled father, NTA, document everything! 👏

Klutzy-Eye4294 | Klutzy-Eye4294

Protect your son! Don't trust him or his mother! 👏

Doyoulikeithere | Doyoulikeithere

Cutting ties with toxic family members, new phone, new start 👍

Trailsya | Trailsya

Mom takes control, grandma loses - NTA!

SuperHuckleberry125 | SuperHuckleberry125

Cutting out toxic family members is hard but necessary 💪

jueidu | jueidu

Get a custody agreement ASAP and don't forget child support 💪

KingSuperJon | KingSuperJon

Can a 'vile' insult be mended or is it unforgivable? 🤔

Skynight2513 | Skynight2513

Curiosity piqued: What could she have said? 🤔

Snakend | Snakend

File for custody and restraining order. NTA. 🙌

Turbulent_Umpire_361 | Turbulent_Umpire_361

No opinion possible, story has holes, 3 sides to it.

Fabiankh5757 | Fabiankh5757

Cutting out toxic family members is sometimes necessary. 👍

Ok-Establishment478 | Ok-Establishment478

Careful who you let influence your child. Earn their place.

SdSmith80 | SdSmith80

Concerned comment suggests mandatory medical appointments for potentially hereditary mental disorder.

NeedsToDiscuss | NeedsToDiscuss

Setting boundaries with family is important for healthy relationships 👍

Top-Prune-4540 | Top-Prune-4540

Empowering response to absent father's request for 'grandma rights'.

dacallright | dacallright

Grandmother's toxic behavior may harm the child 👀

Diligent_Tip_5592 | Diligent_Tip_5592

NTA for not wanting toxic grandma in your child's life 👏

SunburstStarcurse | SunburstStarcurse

Toxic family drama averted! 👏

Diiiiirty | Diiiiirty

Cutting off dodgy family members - good or bad decision? 🤔

Immediate_Sky_9545 | Immediate_Sky_9545

Red flags raised about absent father's intentions towards daughter 👀

Suspicious_Opinion85 | Suspicious_Opinion85

Cutting off toxic people is sometimes necessary for self-care 👍

LocationNorth2025 | LocationNorth2025

Stay safe! 🙏 Paranoid or not, trust your instincts.

Ok_Pangolin2219 | Ok_Pangolin2219

Choosing to block the grandma, but can she still demand rights? 🤔

Extreme_Public_8130 | Extreme_Public_8130

🤔 Commenter calls out absent father in strong language.

No_Opportunity_4270 | No_Opportunity_4270

Single mom is NTA for cutting off toxic grandma.

cprice0129 | cprice0129

👀 Don't waste your time, sue for child support and move on.

mi_nombre_es_ricardo | mi_nombre_es_ricardo

Grandma shuts down entitled absent father like a boss 👏

Artistic_Deal3436 | Artistic_Deal3436

Grandparents can be grandparents even if their child is absent. But boundaries are important.

ScarletDarkstar | ScarletDarkstar

Setting boundaries for your child's well-being is not A-hole behavior 👍

Plus_Wedding_4419 | Plus_Wedding_4419

Grandparents have rights too, but not at the expense of children 👍

2ofSpades06 | 2ofSpades06

Mixed feelings on removing son's other family. YTA warning.

wanda_jr | wanda_jr

Father demands 'grandma rights', gets reminded of responsibility 👊

sports_dude_ | sports_dude_

NTA comment questions inconsistencies in story, suspects manipulation tactics.

Snyper1982 | Snyper1982

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