😠 Mom FORCES Bully Son into Counseling After Learning the TRUTH 🙊

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship, betrayal, and a mom on a mission! 🕵️‍♀️ Meet our protagonist, a 16-year-old girl who found herself in a sticky situation with her ex-bestie, "Leo." 😱 Things were all sunshine and rainbows 🌈 until a new girl, "Mia," joined their squad and started stirring up trouble. 😈 Get ready for a wild ride filled with drama, sass, and a sprinkle of teenage angst! 🍿😎

🤝 Besties No More! 😢

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

👥 New Girl, New Drama! 😒

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🙅‍♀️ Standing Up for Myself! 😤

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🤐 Leo's Double Standards! 😠

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🗣️ Bullied by My Bestie! 😱

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🚶‍♀️ Walking Away from Toxicity! 💪

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🙅‍♂️ Leo's Lame Excuses! 🙄

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🤔 Leo's Mom Wants Answers! 😮

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🕵️‍♀️ Mom's on the Case! 🔍

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🙏 Mom to the Rescue! 🦸‍♀️

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🚫 No More Toxic Friends! 🙅‍♂️

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🤷‍♀️ Honesty is the Best Policy! 😇

inevitable_pickle751 | inevitable_pickle751

🚨 Mom Uncovers the Truth! 😲

Our protagonist found herself in a pickle when Leo's mom cornered her at the grocery store, demanding answers about their fractured friendship. 🛒😰 Being the honest gal she is, she spilled the tea on how Mia bullied her relentlessly and how Leo joined in on the "fun" instead of having her back. 🗣️💔 Leo's mom was NOT having it and laid down the law, banning Leo from hanging with his toxic pals and sending him to counseling. 🚫👥 Now, the internet is abuzz with opinions on this juicy drama! 📱🌎 Let's see what they have to say about this wild ride of a story! 🍿👀

Stand up against bullies and surround yourself with better friends. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Honesty is the best policy, even if it leads to counseling 🙌

FlyingFlipPhone | FlyingFlipPhone

Standing up to bullies is always the right thing 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for standing up to bullying, counseling will benefit Leo. Let go of toxic friendship 👍

cookiequeen724 | cookiequeen724

Leo showed his true colors, NTA for cutting him off 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Find real friends who care about you 🤩

[deleted] | [deleted]

Honesty is the best policy. Leo's mom recognized a change and acted. 👍

me0mio | me0mio

Mom forces bully son into counseling, commenters support her decision. 💪

Fire_or_water_kai | Fire_or_water_kai

Encouraging comment supporting a mother's decision to help her son 🙊

QueenYeen | QueenYeen

Standing up against bullying can make a positive impact 👍

FussyBritchesMama | FussyBritchesMama

Bully can't have it both ways, needs therapy. 🙊

Astyryx | Astyryx

NTA stood up to a vicious bully. Leo faces consequences.

This_Grab_452 | This_Grab_452

Honesty isn't snitching. NTA for telling the truth.

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Mom shows empathy towards bullied child, handles situation well 🙌

Glad-Talk | Glad-Talk

Standing up to bullies can prevent tragedies. NTA 👏

CharmingSpend3947 | CharmingSpend3947

NTA receives support for telling parent and encouraging counseling 👍

kaneblob | kaneblob

Encouraging response to victim of bullying, promoting self-care 👍

MarkZuckerbrothers | MarkZuckerbrothers

Honesty is the best policy - NTA for owning up

emilydanger27 | emilydanger27

Leo's lack of friends is not Mia's fault. NTA.

kristycocopop | kristycocopop

Standing up to bullies is always the right thing 💪

Corpuscular_Ocelot | Corpuscular_Ocelot

Standing up to bullying takes courage, NTA for leaving toxic friends 💪

ma_ny_on_ak | ma_ny_on_ak

Good for you for standing up to a bully 💪 and for his mom taking action 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Leo in abusive relationship, but unlikely to learn from it 😢

stevielb | stevielb

You stood up to bullies, left, and now they're pathetic. NTA 👏

Poetryinsimplethings | Poetryinsimplethings

Leo's mom made the right call, NTA comment agrees 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Truthful NTA, you don't insult people and expect friends 🙌

Ariaerisis | Ariaerisis

Teenage romance and humor in NTA comment section 😂

happytiara | happytiara

Good parenting on display 👍🏼 NTA, consequences aren't yours to bear.

Antique-Cry-5024 | Antique-Cry-5024

👏 NTA saves bully from future heartbreak via counseling intervention.

Few_Investigator_373 | Few_Investigator_373

Actions have consequences. You're NTA for stating the truth. 👍

demonmonkey1313 | demonmonkey1313

NTA saves bully Leo, counseling will help him make friends 👏

Red_Carrot | Red_Carrot

Learning the truth the hard way 😅

NinjaHidingintheOpen | NinjaHidingintheOpen

🤝 NTA. The commenter suggests Leo should look at Mia as the common denominator for the bullying and take action.

CopperShamrock | CopperShamrock

Friendship fallout: NTA stands up to bully, ex-friend suffers consequences 💪

jtheminipony | jtheminipony

Age doesn't matter, NTA. Karma will take care of them 👍

vonVVeimar | vonVVeimar

Calling out bad behavior leads to positive change 👍

KarenMaca | KarenMaca

🙌 Being mature and standing up for oneself against bullying. #NTA

splootsaredabest | splootsaredabest

Standing up to a bully, NTA. Glad you have support! 👏

Stand4SomethingCo | Stand4SomethingCo

Standing up for yourself, NTA 🙌

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Standing up to bullies is hard af, but NTA 🙌

Azzne | Azzne

Standing up for yourself is important 🙌 NTA

Topaz-Light | Topaz-Light

NTA, Leo's mother did the right thing by seeking counseling.

ImaginaryAnts | ImaginaryAnts

Speaking the truth and facing consequences, NTA wins this round

EconomyVoice7358 | EconomyVoice7358

Healthy boundaries lead to healthier relationships. 👍

GeneralChaos2005 | GeneralChaos2005

Don't be a puppet to someone else's victim narrative. 👏

WineAndDogs2020 | WineAndDogs2020

Stand up to bullies, even if it means 'snitching' 👊

samanthacarter4 | samanthacarter4

Navigating friendships in teenage years can be tough 😞

googlyevileye | googlyevileye

Be a friend to Leo but set boundaries. Counseling can help.

CakePhool | CakePhool

NTA. The son needs to face the consequences of his actions. 👏

baka_yu | baka_yu

Supportive comment from fellow mom validates NTA's decision ❤️

Alarmed_Ad4367 | Alarmed_Ad4367

Leo's mom did the right thing - NTA for standing up to bullying 💯

fckinder | fckinder

NTA, Leo's mom did the right thing by getting him therapy 💪

CrazyCatLadey007 | CrazyCatLadey007

Speaking up about public behavior is fair game. NTA 👍

jacano5 | jacano5

Standing up to bullying is important and necessary 👏

chesti_larue | chesti_larue

👏 Standing up to a spineless bully! You're NTA! 👏

DynkoFromTheNorth | DynkoFromTheNorth

👏 Standing up to bullies is always the right thing. #NTA

SamuelVimesTrained | SamuelVimesTrained

Friendship ended with Leo 😂 NTA takes no prisoners.

MiggyTennis | MiggyTennis

NTA stands up to bullies, receives support from community.

LottieLondon08 | LottieLondon08

🙌 NTA for telling the truth and Leo getting counseling.

Emmiegirl582 | Emmiegirl582

Bully's ex-friends sound pathetic, he deserves to be left alone 🙌

BorderlineBadBrain | BorderlineBadBrain

Laughing at unkind peers with future figured out 😂

adlittle | adlittle

Mia's bullying caused loss of friends, boy needs counseling 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA stands up against cowardly behavior in a bullying situation 💪

Common-Frosting-9434 | Common-Frosting-9434

Leo's mom appreciates the confirmation and Leo knows where to find you 🙊

RyanStoppable | RyanStoppable

NTA Leo is a people pleaser who bowed to bullies 🤷‍♀️

DanyelN | DanyelN

Telling the truth isn't snitching, despite what bullies say 🙌

turtlelife1 | turtlelife1

Standing up to bullies and supporting those who do. 💪

KGB2319 | KGB2319

Stand up against bullies, NTA! 💪

The-Shattering-Light | The-Shattering-Light

Standing up to bullies is the right thing to do 👍

Netty1420 | Netty1420

NTA's mom is doing the right thing in helping her son.

imapizzaeater | imapizzaeater

Standing up to toxic friends. 💪

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

Standing up to bullies is never wrong 💪

Hotcheetogyurl | Hotcheetogyurl

Leo needs to learn to stand up to bullies 🤯

OneTwoWee000 | OneTwoWee000

Standing up to a bully takes courage. You deserve better 💪

eddsaysftw | eddsaysftw

NTA, good friend for intervening and potentially saving a lifetime of grief 👍

Substantial-Iron5859 | Substantial-Iron5859

NTA stands by decision to send bully son to counseling 👍

Comprehensive_Plan93 | Comprehensive_Plan93

Encouraging NTA comment about the benefits of counseling for bullies.

ChuckGreenwald | ChuckGreenwald

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