Sperm Donor Asked to Pay 'Son's' $50K Tuition 18 Years Later 🤯💸

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Diply | Diply

🍿 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of a sperm donor dad caught in a college tuition tug-of-war. 💸 Our protagonist, a 40-year-old family man, once did a solid for some friends by donating his swimmers. 🏊‍♂️ Fast forward 18 years, and surprise! The bill for his biological son's education lands in his lap. 😱 Is he the a-hole for refusing to pay up? Let's dive in and find out! 🕵️‍♀️

🍼 A Unique Favor for Friends

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

🤷‍♂️ No Desire for Daddy Duties

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

👋 Sayonara, Baby Mama Drama

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

📸 Pics or It Didn't Happen

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

🤝 Meeting the Mini-Me

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

👍 Cool Kid, No Connection

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

💸 Surprise! Pay Up, Papa

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

😡 Furious Family Feud

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

📞 Persistent Pestering

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

😕 Feeling Guilty, But Firm

nealshusterfan | nealshusterfan

🎓 Sperm Donor Dad vs. College Costs: Who Pays? 💸

Well, well, well... looks like our sperm donor dad is in quite the pickle! 🥒 After signing away his parental rights years ago, he's now facing a hefty college tuition bill for his biological son. 😬 Talk about a blast from the past! 💥 While he feels for the kid, he's standing his ground and refusing to pay. 🙅‍♂️ After all, he's got his own family to support. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 But the baby mama drama just won't quit, with persistent calls and texts trying to guilt-trip him into coughing up the cash. 📞 So, what does the internet have to say about this sticky situation? 🤔 Let's check out some of the top reactions and see where the chips fall! 🎰

NTA, but poor kid was guilt-tripped by his parents 😢

BwitchnBtyKwn399 | BwitchnBtyKwn399

No obligation to pay for surrogated son's college tuition 💸

CeridwynMatchen | CeridwynMatchen

Sperm donor not liable for child's tuition. NTA.

rabbitolo | rabbitolo

NTA. Signed away rights, not obligated to pay for schooling 💸

joanclaytonesq | joanclaytonesq

Legal paper says no rights, no responsibility. Mom has double responsibility. NTA

meap02 | meap02

Sperm donor not the a**hole for refusing tuition payment 🎓

forevertheyo | forevertheyo

NTA. You're just a sperm donor, not a bank 🤷‍♂️

TTIsurvivors | TTIsurvivors

No parental rights, no responsibility. NTA for refusing payment 💶

leenkathb | leenkathb

Don't let guilt trip you into paying for their choices 💰

danigirl866 | danigirl866

NTA. Not responsible for $50k tuition for a stranger's 'son' 💸

Sad-Ad-4384 | Sad-Ad-4384

Legal document makes kid someone else's responsibility. NTA.

ClairbleFun | ClairbleFun

Donor not obligated to pay child's $50K tuition.

SoCal_Southerner93 | SoCal_Southerner93

Not the a**hole for refusing to pay for non-biological son's tuition 👏

mygreyangel | mygreyangel

Donor not responsible for child's tuition, poor planning on parents.

Coco_Dirichlet | Coco_Dirichlet

Donor not responsible for $50k tuition. NTA. 👍

ThinEscape511 | ThinEscape511

Sperm donor asked to pay $50k tuition after signing away rights 🤯

Sea-Confection-2627 | Sea-Confection-2627

Signed away parental rights, no relationship or obligation here. #NTA

Worth_Brilliant8523 | Worth_Brilliant8523

NTA. Sperm donor's responsibility ends with donation. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and doubtful about the turkey baster story 🤔

Rip_Dirtbag | Rip_Dirtbag

Signed away rights, not legally child, not obligated to pay 💸

Mishy162 | Mishy162

NTA sperm donor asked to pay $50K tuition, outrages readers.

AmberSnowSex | AmberSnowSex

Cut ties. They can pay for college. Get a lawyer.

Pand0raHaze | Pand0raHaze

Agreement broken: Sperm donor asked to pay son's tuition 🤔

DreamingofRlyeh | DreamingofRlyeh

Bio father not responsible for financial support after 18 years 👏

NooWayInHell | NooWayInHell

Sperm donor not responsible for 'son's' tuition. Family manipulative 👍

CADreamn | CADreamn

Déjà vu? Redditors recall a similar story of sperm donor woes.

Brilliant-Sundae-899 | Brilliant-Sundae-899

Donor-conceived child thanks sperm donor for meeting him ❤️

Much_Accountant4381 | Much_Accountant4381

Lesbian mother calls out the weirdness of asking a sperm donor for money 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Donor's generosity taken for granted. NTA for refusing payment. 👍

Internal_Progress404 | Internal_Progress404

Clear contract, clear NTA. Donating sperm is risky business 💸

KarenMaca | KarenMaca

Adopted parent asking for kid's money? NTA wins!

mells3030 | mells3030

NTA calls out awkward cautionary tale for sperm donor.

TheVue221 | TheVue221

Not his kid, not his responsibility. Money issue predicted 💵

Maiidesuu | Maiidesuu

NTA stands their ground against manipulative 'son' and family 💪

Kab1212 | Kab1212

Sperm donor not obligated to pay for 'son's' tuition 💰

jenneybearbozo3 | jenneybearbozo3

NTA stands up to entitled parents demanding tuition payment. 👏


Donor signed rights away, shouldn't pay $50K tuition. NTA!

Winter_Giraffe3577 | Winter_Giraffe3577

Sperm donor shuts down entitled family's request for tuition payment 👏

wayward_painter | wayward_painter

Signed rights away, not responsible for college tuition. 👍

Disaster-girl15 | Disaster-girl15

Lesson learned: Don't trust words, get it in writing 👍

intervallfaster | intervallfaster

NTA donor wants no contact after 18 years 👍

One_Engineer_8317 | One_Engineer_8317

Signed away rights, now expected to pay $50k? NTA 👏

emarvil | emarvil

18 years too late to ask for $50K tuition, NTA 👍

Gladtobealive2020 | Gladtobealive2020

Don't owe child's tuition, not the a-hole. Let parents decide 👍

sveji- | sveji-

Sperm donor not responsible for 'son's' tuition fees 💰🙅

PicassosPaws | PicassosPaws

Not his kid, not his problem. NTA stands firm. 👍

Appropriate_Speech33 | Appropriate_Speech33

Don't let guilt trip you. NTA for denying 'son's' tuition. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sperm donor might not be legally responsible for child support 💰

numtini | numtini

Signing away parental rights means not financially responsible. NTA 👏

MarketingArtistic925 | MarketingArtistic925

Sperm donor refuses to pay $50K tuition for 'son' 💰

Smokey_Katt | Smokey_Katt

Setting boundaries and seeking legal advice is a wise move. 🙌

cassowary32 | cassowary32

Don't fall for a guilt trip. You signed away rights. #NTA

DynkoFromTheNorth | DynkoFromTheNorth

Cut contact, NTA. They failed to secure money for education.

BradWTodd | BradWTodd

Choosing a sperm bank over friends can save you thousands 💰

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

NTA defends against entitled parents seeking donor's money.

Own-Organization-532 | Own-Organization-532

Clear paperwork, not your son, NTA 👍

cookiequeen724 | cookiequeen724

Helpful advice on financial aid and tuition payment. 👍

GarlicButterGarnet | GarlicButterGarnet

NTA. A-holes asking for money 18 years later? GTFOH! 😠

BlanquitaNJ1 | BlanquitaNJ1

Two parents, two responsibilities. Entitled demand for college funds. #NTA

bizianka | bizianka

NTA but lucked out with legal father loophole 😱

syboor | syboor

Protect yourself legally and avoid contact with the other party.

mxrichar | mxrichar

Sperm donor not responsible for 'son's' tuition. Consult lawyer, avoid favors.

Chance-Contract-1290 | Chance-Contract-1290

Debating paternal responsibility and the definition of 'son' 🤔

twentytigers | twentytigers

Donating sperm doesn't make you financially responsible 💸👍

Sensitive_Coconut339 | Sensitive_Coconut339

Parental rights were relinquished, NTA. They can't have it both ways. 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sperm donor shuts down entitled ex's demand for tuition money 💸

Intelligent-Bat1724 | Intelligent-Bat1724

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