Dieting Wife's MELTDOWN Over Husband's "Sage Advice" 🤯

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of love, weight gain, and unsolicited advice. 😬 When working from home led to some extra pounds for this man's wife, a diet plan was hatched. 🥚 But as temptation took over and old habits crept back in, tensions rose higher than the calorie count. 📈 Will his words of wisdom be appreciated or seen as nagging? 🗣️ Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🏠 Working from Home Woes 😞

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🥗 The Keto Kick-Off 🥑

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🍔 Temptation Takes Over 🍟

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🤐 Supportive Silence 🙊

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

💬 The Confrontation Conversation 😬

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🗣️ Sage Advice or Nagging? 🤨

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

😠 Pissed Partner Problems 😤

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🤔 AITA Dilemma 🙋‍♂️

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

ℹ️ Additional Info 📝

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🚫 No Medical Opinions Please! 🩺

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🤷‍♂️ It's Complicated 🤷‍♀️

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

🚫 Temporarily Unavailable ⏳

adefficient2746 | adefficient2746

Hubby's Diet Dilemma: Supportive or Savage? 🍔💔

We've got ourselves a classic case of 'I was just trying to help!' gone wrong. This hubby thought he was dropping some truth bombs 💣 on his wife about her diet struggles, but it seems to have blown up in his face instead! 💥 Now he's left wondering if he's the a-hole for speaking his mind or if his wife is just being too sensitive. The internet is divided on this one, folks! Some say he should've kept his mouth shut, while others think he was just looking out for her health. 💖 What do you think? 🤔 Let's see what the masses have to say about this weighty issue!

Criticism of keto diet and YTA judgment for tough love.

Hollifo | Hollifo

Support vs. unsupportive spouse while dieting 👍

NotTheJury | NotTheJury

Support your partner with healthy, tasty meals 🍲❤️

HunHunterHuntress | HunHunterHuntress

Engaging in a diet debate? Be careful with Keto recommendations. 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

A commenter calls out the husband for being unsupportive and nagging 👎

genus-corvidae | genus-corvidae

Husband's weight advice backfires, earns him YTA judgment. 🤯

Scarletzoe | Scarletzoe

Be understanding and apologize. No gym membership gifts please ❤

Princess-She-ra | Princess-She-ra

Misunderstood message, wife feels unattractive. ESH. 😔

MrsMalch | MrsMalch

User criticizes nutritionist credentials and suggests therapy for overeating.

fakemonalisa | fakemonalisa

User calls out YTA for not understanding the struggles of weight loss 👏

Minimum_Reference_73 | Minimum_Reference_73

A commenter calls out the dangers of the keto diet and advises against weight-related nagging, citing personal experience. 💪

ladyfeyrey | ladyfeyrey

Unsolicited diet advice from non-experts is a hard YTA. 😡

NefariousnessTrue777 | NefariousnessTrue777

Redditors call out OP for unsupportive dieting approach 😠

jimjamflimflam1996 | jimjamflimflam1996

Suggests supporting dieting spouse instead of nagging. Positive reinforcement helps 👍

ValuableRutabaga561 | ValuableRutabaga561

Keto is not sustainable, eat varied, exercise and feel good 🙌

supermeg77 | supermeg77

Father's behavior will only make wife resentful. Quit it now.

EllasEnchanting | EllasEnchanting

Insulting advice causes damage to wife's self-esteem 👎

Denbi53 | Denbi53

A commenter calls out the flaws in keto and gives YTA husband a reality check.

EmptyPomegranete | EmptyPomegranete

Shaming your partner won't help them lose weight. 😔

Planktonsurvivor | Planktonsurvivor

User suggests better alternatives to keto, calls out YTA.

RegretOk194 | RegretOk194

KETO isn't just 'hard' it damages your organs. YTA always.

ApprehensiveHalf8613 | ApprehensiveHalf8613

Insulting someone's weight never helps, YTA for criticizing.

jammy913 | jammy913

Lesson learned: don't police your partner's habits, be supportive instead 👍

Dioptre_8 | Dioptre_8

Supportive reply suggests non-invasive ways to help with dieting 👍

Fegjgg5783 | Fegjgg5783

Supportive NTA suggests sustainable diet options and accountability partnership 👍

Upstairs-Series5032 | Upstairs-Series5032

Support your spouse's dieting journey, YTA for condescending advice 😠

PoisonIvyNumberFivey | PoisonIvyNumberFivey

Helpful advice given for counting calories and avoiding keto mistakes 👍

Alqpzm1029 | Alqpzm1029

Supportive weight loss advice: start small, encourage, no need to criticize. 👍

unworthy_excuse | unworthy_excuse

Unwanted diet advice leads to marital meltdown 😡

notrapunzel | notrapunzel

User calls out commenter for prioritizing looks over health 🙌

clshein | clshein

Healthy habits over restrictions! Calorie deficit is the key 💪

AcrobaticDrama1 | AcrobaticDrama1

Unsolicited diet advice? YTA and your comment was uncalled for 😒

batmans420 | batmans420

User criticizes nutritionist's credentials and advises against nagging spouse.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't tell someone they're fat, ask how you can help. 😒 YTA

Desert_Sea_4998 | Desert_Sea_4998

Husband reminds wife of weight loss goal, gets unfairly criticized. 😡

15021993 | 15021993

Insightful comment on the challenges of addressing weight concerns with empathy.

OneWord_55 | OneWord_55

Honesty is key in a relationship 👍

topoar | topoar

Criticism over nutritionist's keto advice sparks debate on balance.

Direct_Smoke1750 | Direct_Smoke1750

Husband's insensitive comment on wife's weight sparks outrage. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empathetic advice on handling spouse's anger in conflicts. 👥

an_imperfect_lady | an_imperfect_lady

Nagging your spouse about their weight? YTA 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Nagging and shaming won't help, YTA 🙅‍♂️

DrAniB20 | DrAniB20

User slams keto and advises OP to take advice. YTA.

OG_ClusterFox | OG_ClusterFox

Encouraging support is crucial when tackling weight loss struggles 💪

parasitebuddy | parasitebuddy

NTA gives tough love on weight loss, acknowledging its difficulty.

Silver-Friendship656 | Silver-Friendship656

Don't be the weight-loss police 🚫, support your partner instead 👯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mind your own business! YTA. 👎

Praised-be-Serena | Praised-be-Serena

Redditor calls out husband for nagging wife about Keto diet.

LingonberryPrior6896 | LingonberryPrior6896

Spouse shaming and nagging never helps. YTA, let it go. 🙄

Xenafan1970 | Xenafan1970

An insightful comment on weight, exercise, and health.

Mofukin_Irisden | Mofukin_Irisden

Supportive comment encourages health, suggests motivation needed for diet success. 🍎

daummmy | daummmy

Supportive reply to husband's dieting criticism with personal experience 👍

lorienne22 | lorienne22

Husband criticized wife's weight. Commenter says he's TA. 💔

Street-Mall3318 | Street-Mall3318

Keto is hard to stick to, you don't know her struggles 😒

Key_Fishing_5790 | Key_Fishing_5790

A commenter calls out the husband's lack of empathy and control.

Tjpascoe | Tjpascoe

A comment suggests consulting a professional nutritionist/dietician. YTA.

LittleRedCarnation | LittleRedCarnation

Husband's 'sage advice' to wife on dieting backfires badly! 😬

painsNgains | painsNgains

User calls out husband for being TA and suggests a new nutritionist

onlyIcancallmethat | onlyIcancallmethat

A helpful comment on the importance of seeking professional help. 💪

Murderbunny13 | Murderbunny13

Is the advice from friends or professionals? Matters more than thought 🤔

LarkspurSong | LarkspurSong

Encourage, don't criticize. Help her with healthier choices. YTA 🙄

kylawhitlock | kylawhitlock

Unsolicited diet advice? YTA and risking a meltdown 😱

Icy-Revolution1706 | Icy-Revolution1706

Husband's 'Sage Advice' YTA: Commenter calls out condescension

icecreampenis | icecreampenis

Keto diet is grueling and not working for her. Support her ❤️

wrytit | wrytit

Unsolicited condescension? YTA strikes again 😑

JaecynNix | JaecynNix

Supportive comment on healthy lifestyle with personal experience 👍

TheAnnMain | TheAnnMain

Supporting your partner's journey is key to healthy weight loss 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Timing is key, consider hormones. 80:20 eating could work. 🕰️🍽️

badnewsfaery | badnewsfaery

YTA for only caring about her looks. Encourage her mentally and physically 🙏

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Spouse gives sage advice to dieting wife, NTA according to commenters 👍

KithMeImTyson | KithMeImTyson

Encouraging comment on flexible dieting and YTA's unsolicited advice.

CemeteryDweller7719 | CemeteryDweller7719

Spouse's brutal comment sparks outrage. Yikes! 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggests healthy lifestyle change for easier dieting with partner 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband criticized wife's diet, YTA for not being supportive 😔

SunshineSeriesB | SunshineSeriesB

Receiving advice but can't take it? 🤔

Legitimate_Roll7514 | Legitimate_Roll7514

Supportive comment asking for helpful actions towards wife's keto diet.

faithfuldescent | faithfuldescent

Suggest addressing underlying emotional issues before focusing on physical weight. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encourage sustainable changes, not tough love. YTA. 👎

sqquishy79 | sqquishy79

Joining your partner can be the best way to help.

livingfortheliquid | livingfortheliquid

YTA. Consult with an actual dietitian instead of a nutritionist 👉🏻

Throwawaysei95 | Throwawaysei95

Honest feedback on diet, but went to wrong nutritionist. Try IF 🥕🏋️‍♀️

Puzzleheaded_Fold381 | Puzzleheaded_Fold381

A comment calling out the husband's unsupportive behavior towards his wife's weight loss journey. Yikes 😱

Madea_onFire | Madea_onFire

Expertly shut down! YTA has no idea about weight loss 💪

Revolutionary_Pen_12 | Revolutionary_Pen_12

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